Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What's up in 2015, Event Log-ins, Uniforms

BRS in 2015

Many exciting things are in the wind for BRS in 2015! As we cement them down, iron out any bugs, you will be the first to know!!

As a teaser, here is one of our 2015 initiatives.

1. 2015 BRS Mantra    
Inspire me to Live, Laugh, & Run!!

We all need to be inspired, it helps us to keep going, strive for new heights, and pushes us out of our comfort zone to feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction!

The BRS goal has always been to inspire runners to live as runners, not see running as a chore. As we continue this journey with you, we also want you to inspire us and each other. 

2015 Inspire Others - call to action!

We are going to put out a call each month for a guest runner blogger to provide us with an inspirational story based on your running journey and positive lifestyle with running in their life. As a reward for your time, you will receive a free massage from our generous sponsor RechargeHQ as well as the knowledge you have inspired others to start and continue their running journey!

Stay tuned for more information and shout out for our January Guest Blogger! 

2. Staying in touch with BRS - Making it easier for you!

Its time.....well actually its WAY overdue to revamp the BRS website to make it easier for runners to connect with us, and for our existing members to stay up to date and in the know!!

More to come on this one (p.s. just teaser it will include a cart for you to order uniforms and memberships anytime!)

3. Electronic Sign-in

Yes our paper system is working well....but it could be so much better and smoother!  At the moment it is hard for us to easily report on members, when you come, when you don't, numbers in different types of weather, etc to be able to better design our sessions to suit our runners. 

This should be available soon!!!

4. Integrating Latest Running Research

Over the last six months, we have been dedicating our time to researching and ensuring we are up to speed with the latest running research and coaching techniques. 

Matt has already been incorporating the latest ideas into our January training sessions and we will continue to do so over the next 12 months. The ideas and concepts are not vastly different from what we have always done, rather they are aimed at enhancing your running efficiency, longevity and speed.  Lets see how much difference they make this year.

Saturday Sessions

Therefore, there are a few change to our Saturday Sessions. 
On Saturdays, the sessions will be more structured offering a 
1 x Long run (road) with a 5km parkrun included in each session to boost your lactic threshold and increase speed 
1 x Trail run over varying terrain to keep you running longer and to improve your muscle strength and joint stability
2 x strength and conditioning sessions (incorporating running)  per month.

You of course have the option to simply come and run as you do now, however we believe this new structure will get you stronger and fitter to reach your running goals regardless of whether they are a marathon or a 5km! 

To help you stay up to date (and for those who like lots of notice!), we will add the Saturday Session locations and types on the HOME PAGE & Facebook each week. 

January Saturday sessions are already on the BRS HOME PAGE - check it out. 
6 weeks of Saturday Sessions as per the home page:

10/1/15: Coombabah Lakelands Cross Country Event
17/1/15: S&C Run Session Captain Burke Park
24/1/15: Longrun (+ Parkrun) Southbank
31/1/15: S&C Run Session Captain Burke Park
7/2/15: Trail Run (see blog for location)
14/2/15: S&C Run Session Captain Burke Park
(S&C = Strength and Conditioning)

This Saturday we will be at the Coombabah Lakelands Cross Country Event with the tent at the finish line!!  Join us for a 11km or 5km trail run. 

WhereStarts and finishes at the Coombabah Lakelands Park, in Raintree Glen, near the northern end of the runway of the Southport Flying Club. Free car parking is available in Raintree Glen near the start / finish precinct.

When: meet at the BRS Tent at 6:30am for a 3-4km warm up run

BRS 2015 Calendar

The calendar is still under development, but here are a few teams that have been created already for events if you are keen to sign up early!!!

Twilight Running Festival 22 March

1. Go to and select Twilight Run 2015 on the left-hand side
2. Click Join an existing Team and type in Brisbane Run Squad
3. Select Brisbane Run Squad to join this Team
4. Choose from the options available for Twilight Run 2015
5. Continue with the registration process until payment has been completed.

City2South 14 June 
You must use the team password BRS123 at the main entry form: 

Gold Coast Marathon Festival

Gold Coast Marathon Festival
*NOTE: if payment is not received by Friday 24 April 2015 your entry wil be cancelled
STEP BY STEP Instructions available here

Team Name:
Brisbane Run Squad

BRS Uniforms

Get in early and order your uniforms for 2015. 

2015 January Order now open
Place your order on-line now until 31st January by clicking here or with Renae/Matt at training during that period.

5-6 week turnaround on uniforms, expected delivery early March. You must attend training to collect your uniform. 

See the uniform page for uniforms available, sizes, and prices. 

NOTE: we need a minimum of 15 to order the visors, so if you are need of a new one, please order one now. 

PHEW, that was a big blog and so much more to come!!!

Happy Running 
Renae & Matt 

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