Thursday, August 28, 2014

Saturday Session, BRS On Tour & Come and Support!

Saturday Session

This Saturday we have a few options!

Option 1: those keen for a 1.5-2hr + run from 6am
When: Saturday 30th August
Time: 6am-7:30-8am
What: Long run
Meet at: Newstead - at Waterfront Park, Waterloo Street

NOTE: there will be no coaches there at 6am.

Option 2: those keen for a 1.5-2hr+ run from 7am
When: Saturday 30th August
Time: 7am-9am
What: Long run
Meet at: Newstead - at Waterfront Park, Waterloo Street

Option 1: keen for a combo 1hr run + 1 hr strength and conditioning

When: Saturday 30th August
Time: 7am-8am long run, followed by 8am-9am boot camp style session with Prestige Lifestyles.
What: Long run
Meet at: Newstead - at Waterfront Park, Waterloo Street

The Boot Camp style session is for a great cause, so the cost is a Gold Coin for donation to Canteen.

Strength and Conditioning session:
Cost: Gold coin (or more!) donation to Canteen
Suitable for all ages and fitness levels 

Dress: 1980s theme!!!

Count Down To BRS On Tour

We only have 22 more sleeps until our Whitsunday's BRS On Tour. That means two more hard weeks of training, followed by a taper! 

Reminder: as a result of all coaches being away on tour, there will be no training for the week Saturday 20th to Saturday 27th September inclusive. We will see you back at training on Monday 29th September. 

Come and Support our Team

Saturday 6 September: Nerang 20km or 6km - come and support!!!

This is the last big preparation event for our BRS On Tour Runners. We would love as many BRS runners to come as possible! not keen on 20km, why not try out the 6km trail run, or come a little later to do a road run around the area, then cheer our team in!

We will have the BRS tent there and hopefully a massage therapist!!!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday Wrap-up, Saturday and some more events!

Wednesday Wrap-up

Thanks to all of you who attended the session on Wednesday, in particular to say good bye to the lovely Hannah! Hannah has been with the squad for over 2 years and as a coach I have seen her go from strength to strength, becoming more confident in her athletic abilities and constantly challenging herself.

Hannah inspired us all with her fast times and on-going commitment to running and an active lifestyle.

We wish you luck Hannah on your next adventure, keep running and keep us updated!!

Thanks to the Ship Inn for accommodating a sweaty, stinky, loud bunch for dinner and a BIG happy birthday to Lisa for Wednesday also

Saturday Session

With only 4 weeks until our Whitsundays On Tour Trail Run, we have just enough time to squeeze in 2 more trail runs!!!

Join us this Saturday at Daisy Hill. 

Where: Daisy Hill Conservation Park

When: Saturday 26th July

Time: meet at 6:30am for a 6:45am start (so you aren't starting in the dark!!)

What: an opportunity for some fun on the trails!! allow 1.5-2hrs

Coaches: A triple treat!! Matt L, Matt C and Liss will all be there to help you navigate the trails! 

How to get there:
Daisy Hill Regional Park is easily accessed from Brisbane or the Gold Coast via the Pacific Motorway (M1). From the Gold Coast, travel north along the Pacific Motorway and take exit 24. Travelling south from Brisbane along Pacific Motorway, take exit 24 and follow the signs to Daisy Hill Road and the entrance to the park. 

Meet at the Upper Carpark, just before you get in the Main Gate.. 


A few events popped onto my radar this week, if you are interested:

1. Byron Bay Light House Run = Sunday 28th Sept 

2. Walk and Jog 5km for Alzheimer’s at St Lucia   = Sunday 28th Sept

3. Sandgate Sunset Run = Saturday 11th October - this looks interesting!!

DONT FORGET Saturday 6 September: 

Nerang 20km or 
6km - come and support!!!

This is the last big preparation event for our BRS On Tour Runners. We would love as many BRS runners to come as possible! not keen on 20km, why not try out the 6km trail run, or come a little later to do a road run around the area, then cheer our team in!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Saturday session & the next month!

With many of the major running events over for 2014.....this time of the year is about staying motivated, having fun, maintenance and maintaining momentum!

If I had $1 for every time I heard one of you say, oh I regret doing nothing for those few months, I feel like I am back to square one!!  wow, gees I am struggling, I wish I didn't take that break.

For most of you now, running is part of your lifestyle, not something you do for 6 months of the year. The most important question here is......what are you trying to achieve from taking a break from running?  If it is tiredness and energy levels, sitting on the couch or sleeping in isn't exactly the best remedy! Maybe look at what is happening in other areas of your life. Work, nutrition, family to see where you can gain energy/make changes. I can pretty much guarantee that time away from running will not instantly make you feel better, probably rather the opposite.

Remember, if you are taking a break due to injury and undertaking rehab, please let us know so we can consider it in your return to squad.


To help with inspiration, this week is an opportunity to combine your long run with a 5km Parkrun to increase your motivation for those last 5km!!

When:   Saturday 16th August

Time: start 6am, Parkrun starts 7am, finish approximately 7:30am

Where: Meet at the Rotunda at New Farm Park or at the Parkrun start line if you are only doing Parkrun

What: a 1hr run, followed by 5km Parkrun or a 1.5 hour run for those not keen on Parkrun.

Cost: $2

Remember Parkrun is free!!!! its a timed 5km event, more details available here. Please register if you haven't already.

Breaky: maybe we can head to Vue or somewhere like that around New Farm Park.

p.s. the markets aren't on so plenty of parking!!

What's coming?

The next month are full of fun stuff to get involved in!

Saturday 17th August:  Good luck to everybody participating in the Lake Manchester 22km Trail Run this weekend!!

Saturday 24th August: River Run 100

This is a unique team style event, that looks like heaps of fun!!

We have kindly been given a free entry by the organisers. I am keen to put together a 100km team - maybe 5 x 20km, and/or a 50km team - 5 x 10km!

Let me know if you are keen to participate and which event!!

Whitsunday's crew, a great opportunity to get a 20 or 25km event under your belt!!!

Saturday 30th August: Bootcamp

Prestige Lifestyles at Newstead are again putting on a charity boot camp to raise money for canteen.

I am thinking we do our run first from Newstead from 7-8am, then join in the Bootcamp fun!
The last one was fun and this one you are even encouraged to dress up in 80s!!

Time: 8-9am 
Cost: Gold coin (or more!) donation to Canteen
Suitable for all ages and fitness levels 

Dress: 1980s theme - see below for some inspiration! 

Sunday 31st August: Sunshine Coast Marathon Festival 

Lots of events to choose from! Hope to see some of you there!

Saturday 6 September: Nerang 20km or 6km - come and support!!!

This is the last big preparation event for our BRS On Tour Runners. We would love as many BRS runners to come as possible! not keen on 20km, why not try out the 6km trail run, or come a little later to do a road run around the area, then cheer our team in!

We will have the BRS tent there and hopefully a massage therapist!!!!

Happy Running
Renae and Matt

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wrap UP, Memberships, Saturday Sessions, & Uniform Orders

Brisbane Marathon Festival

Well done to all BRSers who participated!  What a cracker of a day!
Over 20 BRSers gave it there all around beautiful Southbank and the CBD. Some AMAZING PBs and huge goals reached!!

Special mention to our marathoners! Hannah coming in second female OVERALL!!!! Sean smashing it with 3hr 15mins, and Will taking 6 mins off his last years time!! GREAT WORK CREW!

Another event down.....plenty more to come!

Memberships: A REMINDER

If you haven't register as a BRS member for 2014-2015 year, your fees are now $8 a session (instead of $6) and you will no longer receive your sponsor rewards. 

To join: 

For those of you who missed last night, we would still love you to become part of the BRS team for 2014-2015.

Existing Member Re-joining:
EMAIL: Please email and I will ask you to confirm last years information and deposit $30 (single), $50 family of 2 into the BRS account
We will then provide you with a membership card and ask you to sign at form at the next BRS session.
Bank: CUA
Name: Renae Jones
BSB 814 282 
ACCT 31099466


IN PERSON: see us at the next training session. We will get you to sign a form and please bring your $30 or $50 and we can give you your card on the spot.

New Member: 
Please complete the form here and follow the payment instructions or see us at training. 

Saturday Sessions

Options, Options, Options!!!

   Option 1 - Off Road     Nerang Trail Running Series  
next installment of the progressive trail running series at Nerang....17km this weekend (5 km more than last time!!)

Start time = 6:30am. See you there at 6am for sign-on and warm up!

Team Challenge: we are tied for 3rd team overall now.  It would be great to have more BRSers participate to increase our rankings. If we win....we get.........BE THERE!!!! 
  • awarded a perpetual shield (to hold for one year) and replica
  • provided with a hi-res image which will be available for download for every member of the winning team. This group photo will be taken at prizegiving at the last race meet on 6 September, and
  • showcased in a 2 page spread in Womens Running magazine in issue 17 at the end of the series.


     Option 2 - Road Run  Story Bridge Hotel
COACH: Renae

When: Saturday 9th August

Time: 6am kick-off, 7:30am finish

Where: Meet in the Story Bridge Hotel carpark on the corner of Main Street and Rotherham Street, Kangaroo Point.

What: 1.5 hour run (options of running towards Bulimba, New Farm, or Toowong)

Cost: $2

Breaky afterwards!! 

Uniform Orders

UNIFORM ORDER IS OPEN!! see our uniform page for details, size charts and ordering form.!! 

Includes Visors

CLOSES next MONDAY 11 August.Order now!!

Happy Running!

Renae & Matt