Thursday, December 20, 2012

Saturday Session!

Wow, what a fabulous turn out to our last Quarterly Birthday dinner on Wed night! 40 BRSers celebrating another fantastic year! Thanks to the Ship Inn for your great hospitality as always. 

Details for this Saturday 22nd December - our last for 2012!!

Time:     6am-7:30am
Where: Meet at the New Farm Park Rotunda
What:   1-1.5 hour endurance run
Cost:     $2

Last New Farm Jan Power Markets for 2012!!
If you want any last minute xmas gifts or food.......Saturday is your chance!
Oh and post run treats and coffee too!

A BRS 2012 year in reflection coming soon..............stay tuned!!!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reminders, Saturday Session, Resolution Run

1. BRS Downtime
We will be around most of the holiday season to keep you on track, with a closure of only 10 days.
There will be no BRS sessions from Monday 24th December to Monday 31st December inclusive.
We will be back in action Wednesday 02nd January 2013.

2. Quarterly Birthday Party

Thanks to all those who RSVPed! 35 sweaty BRSers will be chilling out at the Ship Inn this Wednesday night for our last Quarterly Birthday party and holiday drinks!!

When: Wednesday 19th December
Where: The Ship Inn
Time: 7pm after training

See you there

Saturday Session

Our endurance run this Saturday will take place from the Storey Bridge Hotel. 

When: Saturday 15th December
Time: 6am-7:30am
Where: Meet in the Storey Bridge Car Park
What: 1-1.5hour run followed by breaky at the Storey Bridge
Cost: $2

This week we will run towards New Farm/Teneriffe...mix it up a bit!!

Resolution Run Sunday 13th January 

Looking for something to keep you going during the festive season...why not aim for the Resolution Run.

This year it is an 11km run or 5.5km, Start/Finish - River Stage, Botanic Gardens, Brisbane 

When: Sunday 13th January
Time: 6.30am start - 11km, 6.40am start - 5.5km
Cost: $42/$32

There is no BRS team set up for this one as you need to enter and pay at the same time to be a team!  So just jump on and enter today!!!

It is definitely familiar territory so give it a go!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Saturday Session, Holiday Happenings, Get Tougher!

Saturday Session

This Saturday we will head to the Regatta for our endurance run.
When: Saturday 8th December
Time: 6am-7:30am
Where: Meet opposite Regatta Hotel on bike path at City Cat stop
What: 1-1.5hour run followed by breaky at the Regatta
Cost: $2

Holiday Happenings

Well the holiday season has officially begun and so far it is has been great to see most of you maintaining your running and popping along to sessions!
Of course this is the season of holidays and xmas parties but it is also a perfect time to ensure you keep up your fitness! not only will you feel 100% for doing so, you won't experience the post holiday exercise slump and potential extra cheer in the form of kilos!!

BRS Downtime
We will be around most of the holiday season to keep you on track, with a closure of only 10 days.
There will be no BRS sessions from Monday 24th December to Monday 31st December inclusive.
We will be back in action Wednesday 02nd January 2013.

Quarterly Birthday Party
Our last Quarterly Birthday party will be on Wednesday 19th December and we will couple it with holiday drinks!!

When: Wednesday 19th December
Where: The Ship Inn
Time: 7pm after training

RSVP:  Wednesday 12th December to

Brisbane Tough Mudder 2013

In 2013, Tough Mudder comes to Brisbane for the first time. For those of you who have not heard of it, a quick synopsis:

Tough Mudder events are hardcore 20km long obstacle courses designed by the British Special forces to test your strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses and half a million participants, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world. see for more information.

When:      Saturday 17th August
Time:       8am (time will be confirmed 1 week prior to 17th Aug)
Where:    Location to be confirmed, but within 1.5 hours of Brisbane
TEAM:    You are invited to join the BRS Team, so enter to Get Tougher in 2013

ENTER NOW: Visit this link to join the team:
Team Password: brs123
Discount code: BrisVegas2013 (released last Tues & only if you enter by midnight 07th Dec $10 off )

Why not aim for a new goal for 2013.

To help you prepare, you might want to sign up for the BRS Tough Mudder Prep-Up: a structured 3 month lead up program commencing 11th May 2013, focused on improving your strength, agility, running, and obstacle skills! More information and costs in the new year. Training for Tough Mudder will also be a good compliment to your Gold Coast festival goals.

So Get Tougher in 2013!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This weekend & Wet Weather Policy refresher

Saturday BRS Xmas Party

Thanks to everybody who RSVPed for the BRS Christmas Party this Saturday 01st December.

We will see you at New Farm Park (keep an eye on facebook for exact location) from 2:30pm ! Don't forget to bring a plate of food, your drinks and any park games!!

I have had 30 RSVPs for dinner......lucky as our allocation was only 30, so a full house! I am looking forward to an evening of yarps, tasty tapas, and sampling beers!  see you at Bitter Suite New Farm from 5:30pm

Saturday's Run

Hot Hot Hot, so Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
It is expected to be 32 degrees on Saturday (with a morning minimum of 24!!). Don't leave it until Saturday to hydrate start now!!
We will be heading to Southbank where there are plenty of drink fountains around the river loop, so you will never be too far from water.  Maybe bring your togs, to jump in the lagoon afterwards!

When: Saturday 01st December
Where: Meet at the front of the Ship Inn (near end of Goodwill games bridge)
Time: 6am-7:30am
What: endurance run 1-1.5hours - all welcome, choose your time/distance!!
Cost: $2 for refreshments

Congratulations to our Spring Series Fast Track Team !!
after four 7 km races over 8 weeks, they finished second on the ladder and first in Mixed Teams.
Well done to Matty C, Ken, Paul T, Wendy and Jan!!!

For more information on Fast Track, see 
I will keep you posted when the next series starts!

Wet Weather Policy 
As it is coming into the rainy season, it is a timely reminder of our Rain Policy:

BRS Training Rain Policy is: 

  1. ON regardless of rain- Except if is EXTREME (e.g. lightening, torrential rain, hail, acid rain!)
  2. if training is cancelled due to extreme conditions, a twitter/facebook notification will be issued at 5pm
  3. if it is raining or has been raining extensively, the session will always be a long run on safe surfaces, rather than any hill or speed work. Remember the long runs are important to maintain our base aerobic fitness.
  4. if in doubt, sms Renae (0447 578 200) or Matt (0447 578 205) around 5pm

see you all over the weekend

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, November 22, 2012

This Weekend

Saturday Session

Ready for a long run followed by some yummy market coffee and treats!! Well hopefully the rain holds off for us this week as we head back to New Farm Park.

When: Saturday 24th November
Time: 6am - 7:30am (NOTE earlier start of 6am)
Where: Meet New Farm Park rotunda
What: 1-1.5 hour long run
Cost: $2.00

+ breaky at the markets.

Please note, if it is raining, Arn and I will not be there, but obviously feel free to meet up and RUN!!

I know some of you haven't visited the markets before, so check out the link here to find out more about them.

Santa Fun Run

It looks like we have over 20 BRSers running for the Variety Club this Sunday in the annual Santa Fun run, and 20 hungry runners for breaky afterwards.

Thanks to those who RSVPed. Breaky is booked for 8:30am at the Library Cafe underneath the State Library. the booking is under Brisbane Run Squad.
I will see you at the race start, or at breaky if I miss you.

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Xmas Party,Wrap Up and Whats UP!!!

Xmas & Holiday Celebration

As it was going to be hard if not impossible to top our 3rd Birthday Party, we thought we would go for something a little more relaxed for our Xmas Celebration!!

Hopefully catering for everybody, families, partyers, diners and socialisers!!
Here are the details of our Xmas Party:

Saturday 01st December, 2012

2:30pm - New Farm Park (keep an eye on facebook on the day for where in the park we are - or go on an adventure to find us!!)
An afternoon of games, croquet & laughs!!
please bring a plate of nibbles and whatever you wish to drink!

5:30pm: Bitter Suite Beer Bistro, New Farm
Enjoy a cold beer, delicious vino, yummy tapas and good company for the afternoon into the evening.
We have an area reserved, and you can simply order your own food and drink as you see fit!!  for you beer drinkers, they have over 10 beers on tap and dozens by the bottle! Yummy ciders and a good wine list too.

RSVP: It would be great to know who is coming to both, however RSVP Bitter Suite is a must please.
by Wednesday 28th November. 

What's Up

According to the BRS calendar, we had kayaking scheduled for this Friday. as you may have presumed this is not going ahead. I will get back to you with new dates and details.

This time in the running season, it is all about having a go! Running for charity, running with friends, running just cause its so awesome! there are a few things coming up.....

When: Sunday 25th November, 7am
What: 5km Run for the Variety Club. Start at Kurilpa Point Park, through Southbank, across the river and back.
Cost: $30 - enter as a Team Adult - search for Brisbane Run Squad   Entry includes your Santa suit!! 

I have booked a table for Breaky at the Library Cafe for 15 people at 8:30am. Spots are filling fast, so get in quick if you are keen to join us!!

When: Sunday 09th December 2012
Where: start and finishes in Miles Buisson Park, Broadbeach Boulevard, Broadbeach.
Time: Different start times from 5am
What:  50km Solo, 30km Solo, 25km (relay for 2 people), 15km solo
Cost: $100 Relay, $50 30/15km, $70 50km

Wrap Up
Last weekend was a busy one!! Warrior Dash on Saturday and Mousdash Cootha Run on Sunday.

To see an awesome, fun wrap up of the Warrior Dash event, what Matty Cam on YouTube:

Mousdash was a great event as usual. We had a few first timers like Nick, Jenny, and Sean, and some veterans like Matty and Keeters. Some great times, an eight minute PB by Keeters and a 45min run from Nick which if you have done Mousdash you would know that is a sensational time!!

Saturday Session

Join us for our usual long run session this Saturday

When: Saturday 17th November
Where: Meet at the Corner of Gordon Road and Park Road, Milton
What: 1-1.5 hour endurance run
Time:  6am -7:30am to beat the heat!
Cost: $2 for refreshments

+ breaky afterwards on Park Road

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Noosa Wrap Up & this Weekend

Noosa Wrap Up

Well what a spectacular weekend last weekend for the Noosa Triathlon.
Congrats to the BRSers completing their first EVER olympic distance triathlon: Katrina, Keeters, Coops, Liss, Lisa and Wendy! Everyone gave it there all with fantastic results!

We also had some veteran BRS Triathletes beat their previous tri PBs, well done to Mat S, Claire and Michelle Mac. We had a few other BRSers taking part in teams which is a great way to get involved!! Michele W, Michelle W, Nat, Matty Tania, Alex, and myself.

I tried to capture everybody I ran into on the weekend, so I hope I didn't miss anybody...if I did, congratulations!!!

As always a very BIG thank-you to all supporters, Friends and family!!

p.s......the visors looked great and we could spot fellow BRSers a mile away!!

Saturday 10th November

1. Saturday Session: we are back to our usual Saturday running sessions, HOWEVER, please note the 6am start. It is getting hotter so regular Saturday attendees have voted for an earlier start to beat the heat!

When: Saturday 10th November
Where: New Farm Park
What: 1.5 hour long run
Time: 6am-7:30am
Cost: $2 for refreshments - please try to remember your $2 :-)

Markets are on...don't forget cash for post run breaky treats!!

2. Warrior Dash
Good luck to those competing in the Warrior Dash on Saturday! It sounds hard core so may the force be with you! I will be there armed and waiting with my camera!!

Sunday 11th November

Good on you if you have registered to compete in Mousdash...
Not only is it a great challenge, it is for a great cause!

We will be there at 5:30am on Sunday, so keep an eye out for the white and blue.

I am looking forward to it!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Training Changes & Updates

Training Changes

The Noosa Triathlon is this weekend and I know all our BRS competitors are pumped!! Some BRSers are triathlon veterans, some are newbies to the sport, and some like to do it with a team!!  Whatever your motivation/goals, it will be a FABBO weekend. 

As all coaches will be in Noosa, there are slight changes to the Saturday 03rd Nov and Monday 05th Nov sessions.

Saturday Session
When: Saturday 03rd Nov
Where: New Farm Park Rotunda
Time: 6:30-8am
What: long run
Cost: free as it is simply a long run session, no coaches or refreshments.


Monday 05th November
Where: Ship Inn as always
Time: 6-7pm
What: endurance run
Cost:   free as it is simply a long run session, no coaches or refreshments.

Enjoy and good luck to all our Noosa competitors!

Last week five BRSers ran for a great cause, Ronald McDonald House. There were 2 events, a 10km team event (each running 5km) and a 10km individual event. 
A big congratulations to Hannah who took out the winning female title in 40mins! and Matt and Liss for the first husband and wife team in 38mins!! Jenny completed her first 10km ever and won her category!
Well done to all!

What's coming up......

Remember, next weekend is jammed packed with events!
Saturday 10th - Warrior Dash
Sunday 11th - Mousdash!
Get your entries in now!!

Save the Date 
BRS Birthday Party is quickly the 01st December in your diaries!!

Thanks to everybody who purchased a visor...they look awesome!!  I will keep you posted on future orders!

Happy Running (& swimming & cycling!)

Renae & Matt  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturday Session - last chance training!!

Saturday Session - last chance training for Noosa Tri

Well with Noosa Triathlon festival fast approaching next weekend, it is last chance training for our triathletes!!  We will have a cycle run for them, and a long run for the rest of the BRSers.

When: Saturday 25th October
Where: Meet at the Carpark, opposite the UQ Athletics Centre, Sir William Macgregor Drive, St Lucia
Time: 6:30am start
What: a 1.5 hour long run OR a  hour cycle + 30min run
Cost: $2 for refreshments

+ breaky at the UQ Tennis Centre afterwards


Don't forget registrations close for the 5km Cool Night Classic - tomorrow Friday 26th October

The 10km individual or 2 x 5km Team Ronald McDonald Run is on this Sunday 3pm Westend!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saturday Session & Upcoming Events

Saturday Session

Well with a few weeks still until Noosa, we have 2 more Cycle/Run or just Run sessions ahead of us.

This Saturday we will be meeting at....
Meet: Orleigh Street, Westend (near the intersection of Orleigh and Montague)
When: Saturday 20th October
Time: 6:30am-8am
What: Cycle/Runners and Runners all welcome! Cycle 1hr + 30min run, or run 1.5 hours.

+breaky at Alberto's Shot Espresso Bar afterwards

Upcoming Events

Good Luck to everybody participating in the Bryon Bay Lighthouse run this weekend! Don't forget to look at the view!

Ronald Macdonald Run Sunday 28th October
WhenSunday 28th October, 3pm
Where: Westend
What: a 10km option or why not run 5km each in a team of 2!!
Cost: $25 

Cool Night Classic 1st November
When: Thursday 01st November, 5pm
Where: Botanical Gardens
What: 5km and 3.5km
Cost: $20 to 12th October (early bird)  
Enter: join an existing Team - Brisbane Run Squad$file/index.html

Warrior Dash 10th November
WhenSaturday 10th November
Where: Mt Kilcoy
What: a 5km run with a difference. Face 12 obstacles along the way like hay bails, swamps, bared wire. 
Cost: $75 until 10th October 

Mousdash 11th November

When: Sunday 11th November 6:30am
What: 10.5km up and around Mt Cootha or a 5km Summit Dash
Cost: $40 for individuals. No BRS team, but teams of 3 available at a discount 

Santa Run  25th November. 
When: Sunday 25th November, 7am
What: 5km Variety Santa Fun Run commences at 7am at Kurilpa Point Park, make its way through South Bank, across the river before snaking along the water’s edge, back over the river once again to cross the finish line at Kurilpa Point Park.
Cost:  $30 if you Enter as a TEAM Adult.  Search for Brisbane Run Squad. 
Entry includes your very own Santa Suit!!

I will book Breaky for afterwards, so flick me an email if you are keen 

Happy Running

Renae & Matt 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

BRS 3rd Birthday Party Wrap Up

Thanks Thanks Thanks!!
I would just like to start with some words of thanks to all who contributed to our 3rd Birthday party

Thanks to our great sponsors Mizuno for their generosity with our awards and prizes!

Thanks to Sassafras for the great meal, atmosphere and lovely staff!!

Last but not least......thanks to our wonderful BRS team for three great years of the club and for your energy and enthusiasm on Saturday night! it was great to see you all there!

Awards and Prizes
Each year we present three awards: Most Improved, Most Consistent, and Runner's Runner. 
This year the well deserved recipients of the awards were:
Most Improved = Sean Brown
This one was really tough as everybody in BRS has achieved and smashed their own personal goals this year, whether it be getting faster, going further, or trying other sports. 
Sean really stands out to us...why?
It is the silent assassin!! he started in the B2B beginners group run walking in 2010 and 2011. He has been running with BRS over a year going from strength to strength. He B2B times over the last three years tell the story beautifully.......
2010: 1hr, 16mins
2011: 52.45mins
2012: 46.27mins
An improvement of 30mins over 10km !!!  He is now running with the 500 group! the sky is the limit! Well done Sean. 

Most Consistent = Andrew Marrington
This awards goes to the runner that has attended the most mid-week sessions, regularly attends Saturday sessions and is usually present at BRS social functions.
This year it was a very close race!!!  Our top five included Michelle W, Steve G, Sally, and Jill! 
Andrew just pipped them at the post! Well done Andrew

Runner's Runner = Michelle Wood
Never before have we had so many different runners nominated by other runners for this prestigious award! I read many of the other nominations out on the night! Well done to all BRSers who were nominated! 

Think about who at BRS has inspired you, impressed you, makes you feel like running more, or just puts a smile on your face.

This much deserved winner for 2013 was Michelle Wood. Some of the entries included:
·         squad. 
  • She's always there in the small band of runners who turn up to training on rainy nights, and she has become a great friend to many of us. She is well liked and respected by everyone

  • Nomination given because she is driven, never surrenders, gives everything a crack, and always brings a smile; despite what life hurls in her direction.

  • For consistency and dedication to the club, attends lots of events and training sessions, provides great support and encouragement to all and is a real runners runner
  • From injury to 1/2 Marathon Mum! Impressive!!!!!!!!  Not forgetting she is also a beautiful person!
  • For being her bubbly upbeat self day after day – and for being a great running ‘buddy’
  • Michelle is motivating, supportive, encouraging, passionate and an inspiration, in and out of the running shoes. She is the reason I turn up to training every week!

Our theme for the night was 'I need my Reality TV', and everybody put in a fine effort with costumes and party faces!!
Everybody put more than 100% into the Team Challenges throughout the night and a special mention to all those team members who participated in the Dance off!! Very brave....Some untapped dancing talent out there...and some who maybe shouldn't frequent the dance floor!!

Gorillaz Team won each taking home a Mizuno prize pack

Ben Y won best dressed coming as an interesting take on Bear Grylls

Overall BRSers a top night! Matt and I are looking forward to our fourth year with such a great bunch of people! Bring it on

Happy Running
Renae & Matt 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saturday Session & NEW BRS Visors!!!

Saturday Sessions (adding 3 weeks of cycle+run training)

We will continue to provide BRSers with the opportunity to do a cycle + run session as a lead up to the Noosa Triathlon this year.  great way to practice transitions, so bring your bike along!!

We will have our normal 1.5hr run, however those who wish can bring their bikes and do a 1 hour cycle, followed by a 30min run.

This Saturday 13th  October:
Where: Meet at one of our favourite BRSer's house - 49 Shottery Street, Yeronga
no need to put bikes on car rooves etc for transition, you can simply dump your bike in the garage and off onto the run.  Google Map: 
Time: 6:30am start
What: a 1.5 hour long run  OR  a 1 hour cycle + 30min run
Cost: $2 for beverages

+ followed by breaky at Anesis on Hyde Cafe just down the road

BRS Visors

check out whats coming!!!!!   our manufacturer has all but guaranteed a pre-Noosa Triathlon delivery too!!! GET IN NOW at the pre-purchase price! 

BRS Birthday Party
Many thanks to all who RSVPed for our 3rd Birthday party on Saturday night! It should be a cracker!  See you there, 6pm kick off!! 
Don't forget it is BYO Beer, Wine, and Softdrinks. Ice tubs will be provided. The venue does not have a spirits licence, so no BYOing of spirits please

See you soon

Happy Running
Matt and Renae 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Saturday Session and Stuff

Saturday Sessions (adding 3 weeks of cycle+run training)

As with last week, we will continue to provide BRSers with the opportunity to do a cycle + run session as a lead up to the Noosa Triathlon this year.
 A great way to practice transitions, so bring your bike along!!

We will have our normal 1.5hr run, however those who wish can bring their bikes and do a 1 hour cycle, followed by a 30min run.

This Saturday 06th October:
Where: Meet in the Car Park in front of the Rugby fields on Sylvan Road, Toowong (called Toowong Memorial Park on Google Maps)
Time: 6:30am start
What: a 1.5 hour long run  OR  a 1 hour cycle + 30min run
(cyclists will head out on the centenary highway bikeway)
Cost: $2 for beverages

+ followed by breaky at the Corner Store Cafe 

Looking for an event to keep you motivated in October??

there are heaps of fun runs around at the moment, but three good ones on the horizon are:

The Byron Bay Lighthouse Run 10km - Sunday 21st October

The Ronald MacDonald Run 10km
- Sunday 28th October

Spring Fast Track Series 4km-7km : 4 races Wednesday 17 & 31 October, 14 & 28 November, 2012 - race anywhere between 6:30am-2pm from the Karilpa Bridge.
I would love to put a few BRS teams in ($60 per person) - let me know if you are interested!

REMINDER: BRS Birthday Party

Don't forget to RSVP for the BRS Birthday Party. 
Theme:          Reality TV!!   
When:            Saturday 13th October
Time:             6pm - 11pm
Where:          Sassafras Cafe Backyard BBQ  
88 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington
Cost:             $50 includes a delicious BBQ (as below) 
                      BYO Alcohol and other beverages!!
RSVP:          NOW (payment on RSVP & send in a ‘secret’ about yourself)

Happy Running
Renae & Matt 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saturday Sessions & Reminders

Saturday Sessions (adding 4 weeks of cycle+run training)

I know many of us BRSers are competing in the Noosa Triathlon this year, some for the first time.
So a great suggestion by Matty C... lets offer an opportunity for brick training, which is combining two of the triathlon discipline - cycle + run. A great way to practice transitions, so bring your bike along!!

For the next 4 Saturdays, we will have our normal 1.5hr runs, however those who wish can bring their bikes and do a 1 hour cycle, followed by a 30min run.

This Saturday 29th September:
Where: Meet in the Car Park Opposite the UQ Athletics Centre, St Lucia, Sir William Macgregor Drive.
Time: 6:30am start
What: a 1.5 hour long run  OR  a 1 hour cycle + 30min run
Cost: $2 for beverages

+ followed by breaky as always!!!

Join 110 Runners - this Monday 01st Oct: Run for Domestic Violence Awareness 
When: Monday 01st October
Where: Toombul Shopping Centre to Botanical Gardens
What: 10km run with Robert Reed who is running 110km to raise money for Domestic Violence awareness and victims
Cost & Entry: $22 entry fee/donation see

REMINDER: BRS Birthday Party

Don't forget to RSVP for the BRS Birthday Party. 
Theme:          Reality TV!!   
When:            Saturday 13th October
Time:             6pm - 11pm
Where:          Sassafras Cafe Backyard BBQ  
88 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington
Cost:             $50 includes a delicious BBQ (as below) 
                      BYO Alcohol and other beverages!!
RSVP:          Friday 05th October (payment on RSVP & send in a ‘secret’ about yourself)

What’s happening on the night??
Reality TV Team Games
Prize for Best Reality TV Costume (don’t forget to dress up)
Runners Runner (so don’t forget to send in your vote)
Other awards & prizes.......

  Friends, family, kids (kids under 12 are free)  RSVP now!

BBQ Details:
*send in any dietary preferences on RSVP*
bread & dips on arrival 
bbq barramundi marinated in coriander, basil and coconut
peri peri chicken w chilli lime mayo 
roasted herbed potatoes, roast vegetables 
2 salads of the day
sourdough dinner rolls & butter
cheese platter w muscatels, dried fruit & water crackers

Please deposit to:
Renae A Jones
BSB:              814282
ACCT:            31099466
Please use your name as description

Happy Running
Renae & Matt